Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Burns to face Evensen in defence

WBO super-featherweight champion Ricky Burns Burns admits to not knowing much yet about opponent EvensenRicky Burns will make the first defence of his WBO super-featherweight title against Andreas Evensen at Glasgow's Braehead Arena on 4 December.

The Coatbridge boxer, who won the title in September, said: "I'm very excited. I've got my first defence quickly.

"It's a great venue and I'm really looking forward to it."

Burns, 27, admits to knowing little about his Norwegian-based Colombian opponent - who boasts a 13-1 record - but plans to study DVD footage of him.

He told BBC Scotland: "Me and my trainer (Billy Nelson) will sit down and study him. He will come up with the game plan and I'll put it into action."

Burns recovered from a first-round knockdown to take Roman Martinez's title on points at the Kelvin Hall in Glasgow last month.

To make sure he is hungry for the fight, Burns says he will prepare for his title defence as if he were the challenger, and is very much looking forward to being the headline act at Braehead.

The crowds play a big part in it and fighting in front of 5,000-6,000 fans at the Braehead Arena really helps you
WBO super-featherweight champion Ricky Burns

"When I was told that the fight might be taking place in Braehead, I was over the moon," he said.

"I've boxed in there a few times when Scott Harrison was world champion.

"It was great for all the up-and-coming boxers in Scotland: you were getting the publicity and getting on big shows.

"It's down to me now to keep the shows up here. I need to put on a bigger performance that I did against Roman Martinez, but I'm more than capable of doing that."

Evensen will face a vocal home crowd when he takes to the ring.

Burns said: "I've always got a great support. Kelvin Hall was jumping. It was an excellent night and I'm sure it will be the same again.

"The crowds play a big part in it and fighting in front of 5,000-6,000 fans at the Braehead Arena really helps you.

"But nothing will change with regards my preparation.

"I will still get a new pair of shorts made and I will still pick a cheesy song to walk out to - but you will have to wait to hear what it is."

Meanwhile, 32-year-old Alex Arthur has rubbished speculation that he is line for a rematch with Burns, the Edinburgh fighter having won their 2006 bout.

Arthur will fight at lightweight on the undercard of Burns' title defence but previously held the super-featherweight title himself.

He said: "I'm glad to be keeping busy at a weight at which I will be comfortable. We always knew there would come a day when I couldn't make the weight any more.

"I found it quite funny that after Ricky won the title the automatic talk was of me and Ricky fighting again.

"My first reaction was, 'Is someone going to cut my leg off so I can make the weight?'.

"After we fought I told him that he would win a world title one day.

"He had shown unbelievable stuff over 12 rounds that night and he has come on a ton since then."

View the original article here

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