Friday, October 29, 2010

Klitschko Stops Peter in 10

The impressively efficient but painfully dull reign of IBF/WBO heavyweight champ Wladimir Klitschko continued with a completely one-sided tenth round TKO of Samuel Peter in Frankfurt, Germany.

Klitschko won every round by throwing combinations of jabs and straight right hands for which Peter had no defense. Klitschko held to neutralize Peter's power whenever the two fighters were close and, as the rounds wore on, Peter was also looking to initiate clinches to avoid further punishment. In other words, a typical Wladimir Klitschko fight.

By round ten, Peter's right eye was badly swollen and he was floored by a series of unanswered punches. Referee Robert Byrd stopped the fight without a count at 1:22 of round ten.

View the original article here

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